Takgol graffiti spray new codes
Posted on 19 June 2022
Takgol spraypaint company has a long term relationship and cooperation with iranian artists. Takgol 400 which is takgol art spray and specially graffiti spray has been developed with closed cooperation with iranian artists and specially graffiti artists.
A new developement for this spraypaint is its cataloge which is done by iranian graffiti artist called “RUD”. Rud has created a new codes and names for these codes.

The chose of the names and codes is to make it easier for the graffiti artists to work and find the color that it needs and more importantly to remember the codes.

The codes are less than the past catalouge but the colors are chosen very carefuly. Many codes have been selected away. Maybe in future some codes will be added to cataloge and some codes will again be selected away.