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Takgol spraypaint company is manufactorer of many spray products like spraypaint, wd40 and carcare sprays like dashboardwax, tire wax and anjector cleaner. Takgol spraypaint company produces even glue spray and silicon spray. Now we have started the production of two new spraypaint with acrylic color, one is multipurpose 400 spraypaint and the another is 400 […]
Read moreTakgol spraypaint company is a producer of many products in spray form, among them wd40 spray. Two new products Takgol spraypaint company has started production of two new products and have added it them to its product basket. One is takgol 400 ml multipurpose spraypaint with acrylic color. This spraypaints catalogue is based on RAL […]
Read morePaint is made up of different products like resan, solvents, pigments or paint dogh، gel that is made up of benton and solvents and additives. Resins make almost up 40 percent of paint and solvents around 30 percent of the paint. Pigments are made up by different colors like, blue, red, White (titan), black (degosa), […]
Read moretakgol spraypaint company is a company in the middle east that produces different spraypaint products. But we started our production with spraypaint. We have continued and we have added glue spray, silicion spray and wd40 spray to our list of products. But our most popular product is our graffiti spraypaint Now we have production of […]
Read moreTakgol spraypaint company is one of the only companies in the middle east that has started the production of mural art spraypaint. Now we have one professionall internet site called 0098store that has started to sell takgol graffiti products. 0098store is very proffessional in its presentation of its products. Only for Takgol graffiti spraypaint is […]
Read moreTakgol spraypaint company has started a serial production of car care products under the brand Takgol Mazdak. Takgol spraypaint company car and car care products anjector cleaner, Tire wax and tire foam spray, dashboard wax and wd40 spray. Takgol spraypaint company has one of the widest products in the field of spray in the iranian […]
Read moreTakgol spraypaint company is one of the oldest spraypaint companies in Iran. Takgol spraypaint company started its work with the brand Glorizan. Golrizan was one of the most popular spraypaints among the spraypaint users and artists. Even art schools highly recommended Golrizan spraypaint and other takgol spraypaint companies product to its students. But unfortunately golrizan […]
Read moreTakgol spraypaint company has started the production of four new products in this iranian year, the year 1401. These products is tire shine, tire foam, dashboardwax and injectorcleaner spray. Takgol tireshine spray is a product that you can use on your tire to make it clean, make it shine and make it more durable. Takgol […]
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