a presentation of iranian graffiti artists

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Takgol spraypaint company has worked under long time with Iranian graffiti artists. These artists have asked for a graffiti spraypaint and unfortunately the most Iranian spraypaints are multipurpose spraypaint with no possibility to put on different caps. Takgol spraypaint company is the first iranian and middle eastern company that has worked with this issue. We […]
Read moreTakgol 400 ml colors is a mix of six different colors, black, white, yellow, red, blue and green. With this seven colors we have created a catalogue with more that 200 colors. The first ten colors are the mix of white and black and with this two beautiful colors we have created ten different shades […]
Read moreTakgol spraypaint company going forward with production its quality spraypaint. The paint is acrylic unlike other iranian spraypaint producers and fit good for mural art and painting. This kind of qualitative spraypaint is called even graffiti spraypaint and we hope that you use this iranian qualitative spraypaint for good art. Good controll and lange range […]
Read moreOne other spraypaint product that Takgol spraypaint company has produced for iranian mural painting artists is takgol transparent. This spraypaint can be used for shading in mural art. One other use for this spraypaint is to shading a window or a glas.
Read moreTakgol spraypaint company is one of the few iranian spraypaint companies that tryes to work to satisfy the needs of iranian artists. There for it has produced a new product called aceton spray. This kind of spray is already in the world market produced by montana spraypaint company. But Takgol spraypaint company is the first […]
Read moreTakgol spraypaint company produces black graffiti 400 ml spraypaint with acrylic colour. It is its first colour in its new art product. It will hopefully be a lot more colours in this new product catalog but black spraypaint will be the first.
Read moreIranian spray paint producers produces mainly 300 ml alkyld colour, like Golriz spraypaint, golpakhsh spraypaint, Golnaghsh and Norara spraypaint, Takgol and Golrizan spraypaint. These spraypaint are mainly alkyld. Now an Iranian spraypaint company like Caspian with the help of German Duplicolour has started the production of acrylic spraypaint in Iran. But Takgol spraypaint company is […]
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