Takgol Cooperation with clash spraypaint company

TakGol, specialized production of sprays
The production of graffiti spraypaint starts again with new force and a new graffiti artist called “RUD”. “RUD” is an iranian graffiti artist who has taken responsibility over selling and controlling of quality of takgol spraypaints and specially over takgol graffiti spray paint. He has helped for creation of a new catalouge of takgol 400 […]
Read moreTakgol spray paint comapany have for a limited time chosen to cooperate with Mazdak spraycompany in production of carcare products. These two companies has started to produce dashboard wax spray, Fire shine spray and anjector cleaner spray. But this is under limited time. Later Takgol company has planed to produce its carcare products under brand […]
Read moreTak Golrizan Company has started to produce dashboard wax and rubber wax with the exclusive name of Mazdak. One of the advantages of Tak Gol (Dashboard) company wax spray is high gloss, preventing sunlight from damaging the dashboard surface, with different scents and long shelf life, removing dust from your dashboard surface. One of the […]
Read moreOne of the new products that the single-goal spray company has started producing is a saline injector spray with the exclusive name of Mazdak. Spray Injector Spray is one of the best ways to clean and destroy the implies in the injector. In the injector section, if the fuel and … do not fall away […]
Read moreWhat is wd-40 spray? WD-40 spray was first produced by Rocket Chemical. This product was obtained after 40 times of trying to separate water from the chemical formula, which is why it is called WD-40, which stands for Water Displacement perfected on 40th. Some uses of wd-40 single flower spray (flowering): Ceramic tile cleaning Prevent […]
Read moreTak gol Spray Paint Company (Golrizan) has started producing new products such as rubber wax and dashboard wax. Tak gol car wax eliminates factors such as dust, airborne contaminants, grease and so on. Advantages of this product: high gloss, long life, rubber protection. Tak gol car dashboard wax can help you in cleaning the car […]
Read moreTakgolspraypaint company has started the production of new products like dashboard wax, tire wax bitumen undercoat and color wiping spray. To pursue these products you can call 00989121684009 in whatsup or send message.
Read moreYou who wants to know more about takgol company you can follow us in instagram. We have even facebook account but that is not so active. Takgol company has many products like multipurpose spraypaint, graffitispraypaint, multipurpose gluespraypaint, silicion spray and WD40.
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