Which spraypaints does Iranian graffiti artists use?

TakGol, specialized production of sprays
Takgol spraypaint company has started the production of four new products in this iranian year, the year 1401. These products is tire shine, tire foam, dashboardwax and injectorcleaner spray. Takgol tireshine spray is a product that you can use on your tire to make it clean, make it shine and make it more durable. Takgol […]
Read moreTakgol spraypaint company has a long term relationship and cooperation with iranian artists. Takgol 400 which is takgol art spray and specially graffiti spray has been developed with closed cooperation with iranian artists and specially graffiti artists. A new developement for this spraypaint is its cataloge which is done by iranian graffiti artist called “RUD”. […]
Read moreThe production of graffiti spraypaint starts again with new force and a new graffiti artist called “RUD”. “RUD” is an iranian graffiti artist who has taken responsibility over selling and controlling of quality of takgol spraypaints and specially over takgol graffiti spray paint. He has helped for creation of a new catalouge of takgol 400 […]
Read moreWhat is wd-40 spray? WD-40 spray was first produced by Rocket Chemical. This product was obtained after 40 times of trying to separate water from the chemical formula, which is why it is called WD-40, which stands for Water Displacement perfected on 40th. Some uses of wd-40 single flower spray (flowering): Ceramic tile cleaning Prevent […]
Read moreTakgolspraypaint company has started the production of new products like dashboard wax, tire wax bitumen undercoat and color wiping spray. To pursue these products you can call 00989121684009 in whatsup or send message.
Read moreTakgol continues to work hard in his laboratory and on his new formula and getting good results. The paint is fast drying, good quality and with a price that can compete in the international market. Like said before Takgol in already in many middle east market with its multipurpose spraypaint, like Iraq, Afghanestan, Turkmenistan and […]
Read moreIn Iran there is a lot of beautiful mural painting. The most of them are drawing over martyrs of Iran-Iraq war. This painting has mostly been make by paint brush painting pistol and not by spraypaint that is used in western countries. But right now more and more of Iranian youth and graffiti artists have […]
Read moreTakgol spray paint company have started the production of the middle east first graffiti spray paint. But unfortunately the most middle eastern countries dont have the access to this spraypaint yet. Right now this spray paint can only be bought in Iran. But right now the Takgol spray paint company is working on a online […]
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