TakGol, specialized production of sprays
Paint is made up of different products like resan, solvents, pigments or paint dogh، gel that is made up of benton and solvents and additives. Resins make almost up 40 percent of paint and solvents around 30 percent of the paint. Pigments are made up by different colors like, blue, red, White (titan), black (degosa), […]
Read moreTakgol spraypaint company is one of the oldest spraypaint companies in Iran. Takgol spraypaint company started its work with the brand Glorizan. Golrizan was one of the most popular spraypaints among the spraypaint users and artists. Even art schools highly recommended Golrizan spraypaint and other takgol spraypaint companies product to its students. But unfortunately golrizan […]
Read moreIn Iran there is a lot of beautiful mural painting. The most of them are drawing over martyrs of Iran-Iraq war. This painting has mostly been make by paint brush painting pistol and not by spraypaint that is used in western countries. But right now more and more of Iranian youth and graffiti artists have […]
Read moreTakgol spraypaint company is the first company in the middle east that produces graffiti spray paint. It has over 200 colors, exactly the same valve that other graffiti spray paint producers use on their can. We hope that middle east graffiti artist will have use of this spraypaint and that this spraypaint will be availible […]
Read moreLike we said Takgol spraypaint company has under long time worked with Iranian artists and specially graffiti artists. Graffiti is interesting art and graffiti artists are special group of people. Iranian graffiti artists are not any different. These group of people do their art on the walls of the streets. They have a love for […]
Read moreTakgol spraypaint company has created a brand new catalogue for its 400 ml, acrylic color spraypaint. This catalogue has over 200 different colors and we have used the names for the colors primely over different countries and cities in the middle east. With this we wanted to present this cities and arts that exist in […]
Read moreTakgol spraypaint company going forward with production its quality spraypaint. The paint is acrylic unlike other iranian spraypaint producers and fit good for mural art and painting. This kind of qualitative spraypaint is called even graffiti spraypaint and we hope that you use this iranian qualitative spraypaint for good art. Good controll and lange range […]
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